People are active individuals. Day in and day out, their lives are full of spontaneous activities.Sometimes, even while sleeping, they make actions through what we call "dreams". It is true, dreaming is a mental activity. It is both mental and biological in nature. Things that happen are kept by our subconscious minds and when we sleep, they are reactivated by dreams. Dreams are what we know as spontaneous reactions.
Many distinguished psychologists discovered the biology of dreaming which was promulgated by American researchers headed by Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman in the '50s.Their studies have proven that dreams take place during a biological state. There are two states sleep.
The first one is known as the NREM-sleep(Nonrapid eye movement sleep) or the S-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep)synchronized sleep). A person under this state has no dreaming episodes. It is associated with low pulse and blood pressure and normal regulated activity of the nervous system.
The second one is the D- sleep(dreaming or desynchronized sleep) or REM-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep). This is characterized by an activation of the automatic nervous system, rapid eye movement, and lots of dreams. It proves that sleep is an active process.
Some are afraid when they dream. There's nothing to worry about because it is just an ordinary activity of the brain.
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