I'm calling the attention of all people with a golden hearts. My grandmother now is suffering with her illness called (mayuma) i think this is cancer of the uterus or i really don't know what mayuma means is. She is now at Bohol Philippines. I left there 1992 and until now i never come back my hometown again. My nephew called as yesterday and told us that my beloved grandmother was so weak already. And her seeking us. My mother has one brother and one sister that are also here in Manila. We are both poor and nothing. We really want to see and talk our grandmother even for a last time, but we both don't know how. That's why I'm calling the attention of all who are kind and want to help us. We need to raise money for our fare and at the same time for the expenses if we're there already.
To those who want to help us, you may please send us at this address direct to us :
(Rosalita G. Moreno
98 B Kabesang Pino st. Pariancillo Villa Valenzuela City, Phil.) or at my Paypal account( mset_aries2000@yahoo.com)
You can also contact us at #09104912963 or #09077470910, as soon as we raise, we immediately go back home. We all thank you so much...
I feel embarrass but I need to do this, because we really need help. I think this is the only way to raise as soon as possible. We are really in need. We need to raise money as soon as possible or else it is too late.
Thank you all very very much..
To Learn Science and More about to Learn in Technology
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Endocrine System
- regulates the activities of the body through hormones.
- Hormones that act upon target cells are produced in the endocrine glands.
- The negative feedback mechanism is a process by which the endocrine system controls itself.
- Eyes are the sense organs of sight. Impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain to process the object seen.
- The ear is the organ used for hearing and balance. Impulse's travel along auditory nerve to the brain that interprets them as a sound.
- The nose is the sense organ of smell. Impulse's travel along the factory to the brain to identify the scent.
- The tongue is the sense organ of taste. The chemical receptors for taste are the taste buds. The four kinds of taste sensations are sweet, sour, bitter and salty.
- The skin is considered the organ of touch. The five distinct sense's of skin with their own type of receptors.
Male Reproductive System
The human reproductive system is a system of organ within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction and its consist of a number of sex organs that are a part of the human reproductive system.
Dreams for All
People are active individuals. Day in and day out, their lives are full of spontaneous activities.Sometimes, even while sleeping, they make actions through what we call "dreams". It is true, dreaming is a mental activity. It is both mental and biological in nature. Things that happen are kept by our subconscious minds and when we sleep, they are reactivated by dreams. Dreams are what we know as spontaneous reactions.
Many distinguished psychologists discovered the biology of dreaming which was promulgated by American researchers headed by Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman in the '50s.Their studies have proven that dreams take place during a biological state. There are two states sleep.
The first one is known as the NREM-sleep(Nonrapid eye movement sleep) or the S-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep)synchronized sleep). A person under this state has no dreaming episodes. It is associated with low pulse and blood pressure and normal regulated activity of the nervous system.
The second one is the D- sleep(dreaming or desynchronized sleep) or REM-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep). This is characterized by an activation of the automatic nervous system, rapid eye movement, and lots of dreams. It proves that sleep is an active process.
Some are afraid when they dream. There's nothing to worry about because it is just an ordinary activity of the brain.
Many distinguished psychologists discovered the biology of dreaming which was promulgated by American researchers headed by Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman in the '50s.Their studies have proven that dreams take place during a biological state. There are two states sleep.
The first one is known as the NREM-sleep(Nonrapid eye movement sleep) or the S-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep)synchronized sleep). A person under this state has no dreaming episodes. It is associated with low pulse and blood pressure and normal regulated activity of the nervous system.
The second one is the D- sleep(dreaming or desynchronized sleep) or REM-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep). This is characterized by an activation of the automatic nervous system, rapid eye movement, and lots of dreams. It proves that sleep is an active process.
Some are afraid when they dream. There's nothing to worry about because it is just an ordinary activity of the brain.
Nervous System
The nervous system controls and coordinates essential body functions. It sends special signals to and receives response's from every organ and tissues of the body.
3 major Function
- It receives information about the other parts of the body.
- It interprets the information it receives.
- It makes the body respond to the received information.
2 Subdivisions
* Central Nervous System (CNS)
- consists of brain; spinal cord.
* PERIPHERAL Nervous System (PNS)
- part of the nervous outside the CNS, consist of the spinal nerves and the cranial nerves.
NEURON: (Nerves)
A neuron is the basic unit of the nervous system. It is specialized for the transmission of messages from an organ or tissue to another. Each neuron is made up of a cell body, w/c contain the nucleus and cytoplasm; the threadlike extensions called the nerve fibers.
3 major Function
- It receives information about the other parts of the body.
- It interprets the information it receives.
- It makes the body respond to the received information.
2 Subdivisions
* Central Nervous System (CNS)
- consists of brain; spinal cord.
* PERIPHERAL Nervous System (PNS)
- part of the nervous outside the CNS, consist of the spinal nerves and the cranial nerves.
NEURON: (Nerves)
A neuron is the basic unit of the nervous system. It is specialized for the transmission of messages from an organ or tissue to another. Each neuron is made up of a cell body, w/c contain the nucleus and cytoplasm; the threadlike extensions called the nerve fibers.
Signs of Economic Progress
Philippines are rich in natural resources. Plants easily grow on our soil. We have enough rain almost equally distributed throughout the year. To encourage the people to develop our virgin lands,our government has given lands to the landless. If the farmers are helped, our agricultural industry will improve. If people learn to appreciate blue-collared or skilled jobs, then everyone will be employed. If the businesses in the city are crowded, buildings will rise in suburbs and nearby towns. And if every citizen patronizes his or her own products, then our local businesses will grow. Isn't it?
Accessories Organ
- Salivary glands
- Pancreas
- Liver
- Gall Bladder
- Part / Organ
A. Mouth
3 Kinds of Salivary Glands
1. Parotid glands - lie on each side of face.
- largest
- mumps - disease infection of this gland.
2. Submaxillary gland
- angle of lower jaws
3. Subligual gland - found in the floor of the mouth.
4. Tongue - also acts as organ of taste with taste buds.
- the alternation of relaxation & construction brings absent periltals.
A rhythmic wavelike muscular action that pushes the food down the stomach.
C. Stomach
- is a large J-shaped organ found at the end of the esophagus.
Cardiac Sphincter
- an opening closes and opens to allow the flow of food
- Mechanical Digestion of food the twisting, squeezing and chewing and mixing of food.
- cells of stomach with secretory cells enzymes; hydrochloric acid and water and mucus - enzymes produce its mostly protease's which break of protein.
D. Small Intestine
-where final complete process of chemical digestion.
a.) digestive gland that serves the 2 main function.
- secretes humours regulates the balance of your blood glucose.
b.) Pancreatic Juice w/c neutralizes the acid content.
2.) Liver - produce in the liver is bite the emulsifier in the body.
- process of broken down.
- fats in the body is called emulsification
Large Intestine
- in digested food become water & pass from the small into the large intestine also called "colon".
*Main Function of Colon
Absorb water from in digested food materials that reduces from the small intestine.
- largest
- mumps - disease infection of this gland.
2. Submaxillary gland
- angle of lower jaws
3. Subligual gland - found in the floor of the mouth.
4. Tongue - also acts as organ of taste with taste buds.
- the alternation of relaxation & construction brings absent periltals.
A rhythmic wavelike muscular action that pushes the food down the stomach.
C. Stomach
- is a large J-shaped organ found at the end of the esophagus.
Cardiac Sphincter
- an opening closes and opens to allow the flow of food
- Mechanical Digestion of food the twisting, squeezing and chewing and mixing of food.
- cells of stomach with secretory cells enzymes; hydrochloric acid and water and mucus - enzymes produce its mostly protease's which break of protein.
- The main protease, Pepsin breaks down proteins into polypeptides with acid.
- Gastic Juice
- Rennin on young acts on milk proteins.
- Hydrochloric Acid - strong substance w/ breaks and destroy bacteria.
D. Small Intestine
-where final complete process of chemical digestion.
a.) digestive gland that serves the 2 main function.
- secretes humours regulates the balance of your blood glucose.
b.) Pancreatic Juice w/c neutralizes the acid content.
2.) Liver - produce in the liver is bite the emulsifier in the body.
- process of broken down.
- fats in the body is called emulsification
Large Intestine
- in digested food become water & pass from the small into the large intestine also called "colon".
*Main Function of Colon
Absorb water from in digested food materials that reduces from the small intestine.
Different bones of the Body
- Clavicle or collarbone
- Scapula (the shoulder blade)
- Humerus (upper arm bone)
- Radius and Ulna (bones of lower arm )
- Carpals (wrist bone in the hand )
- Metacarpals (palm bones
- Phalanges (finger bone)
- Pelvis (hip bone )
- Femur (the longest and strongest bone of the body) [like your legs]
- Patella (kneecaps/knee joints)
- Tibia (shine bone)
- Fibulla (calf bone)
- Tarsals (bones of ankle)
- Metatarsals (sples or instep)
- Phalanges (bones of toes)
- Sacrum (bones at lower part of spine)
- Coccyx (bones at lower part of spine)
Digestive System
Digestive system is the process of reducing food to smaller molecules that can absorb into the body.
These are the main function of digestive system:
a. to break up big pieces of food into tiny pieces.
b. to break the tiny particles of food into molecules that will dissolve in the body tube fluids and pass through the cell walls to be used by the cells.
The two (2) stages of Digestive:
a. Mechanical Digestion - process by which food is acted upon physically.
These are the main function of digestive system:
a. to break up big pieces of food into tiny pieces.
b. to break the tiny particles of food into molecules that will dissolve in the body tube fluids and pass through the cell walls to be used by the cells.
The two (2) stages of Digestive:
a. Mechanical Digestion - process by which food is acted upon physically.
- mechanical means that you tear, bite, cut, grind and mash large bits of food into a fine mixture.
- done by teeth, tongue through the constructions of stomach & movements of the intestine.
- done by teeth, tongue through the constructions of stomach & movements of the intestine.
b. Chemical Digestion - process where in food is broken down into simpler molecules and absorbed by body.
*The Digestive tract or food tube consist of *
- mouth
- esophagus
- stomach
- small intestine
- large intestine
Scientist Research
America's emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has
encouraged the growth of scientific research. More Nobel prize-winning scientists have come from the United States than from any other country. Since 1900, Americans have received more than 100 Nobel prizes, more than three-fourths of them in the field of science. The great discoveries and achievements credited to Americans by the Nobel awards include the measurements of the speed of light, the effect of X rays on atoms, the function of chromosomes in heredity, and the production of the world's first maser. See NOBEL PRIZES.
In 1957, the Space Age began when Russia launched the first man-made
earth satellite. Competition among countries in the exploration of outer space suddenly became intense, especially between the United States and Russia. The opening of the Space Age also marked the beginning of intensified scientific research. In 1957, the U.S government spent about $4,462,000,000 for research and development in the sciences. In the early 1970's, it was spending more than $15 billion a year. American industry has also increased its research programs to produce new and better products and processes.
The tremendous expansion of scientific activity created a new challenge
for U.S colleges and universities, which train scientists and engineers. In addition, college laboratories conduct much of the search financed by government and industry. The emphasis on science has been reflected in the high schools and in some elementary schools, which have broadened their science courses.
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- Rose
- Valenzuela, NCR, Philippines
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