Thursday, October 15, 2009 | By: Rose

Foreign Biolgist

Hi, I just want to share with you my studies yesterday about some Foreign Biologist (Theory of Evolution/ Natural Selection).

Charles Darwin - explored Evolution

On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural.

1. Francis Crick & James Watson - reed prizes for work on the DNA model used technique called X-ray crystallogy.

2. Gregor Mendel - Father of Genetics

3. Carolus Linnaeus - Father of Taxonomy, Binomial System of Nomen Clature, conceptalized the 1st effective classification system among living things. He used a method known Binomial Nomen Clature or two term naming system divided all plants into classes, order and species.

4. Louis Pasteur - Develop the 1st vaccine against rabies. Father of Bacteriology ( Pasteurization )

5. Fedrich G. Banting / J.J.R Macleod - Novel Prize of Medicine
Macleod - Discovery of Insulin

6. Robert Koch - Discovery of Bacteria causing anthrax, tuberculosis and cholera.

7. Joseph Lister - Anti-septic surgery

8. Barbara Mcclintock - Individual genes can be mobile w/in the set of chromosomes arranges dividing recombination.

9. Ian Wilnut - Cloning Organisms to allow cells reproduction

10. Craig Ventner - Human Genome Project
11. William Baylias / Enert Starling - Discover on Hormones in 1902

12. Albert Sabin - Discover a vaccine against polio virus.

13. Anton Van Leewenhoek - used a simple microscope to discover microorganisms such as bacteria.

14. Andreas Vesalius - "Father of Modern Anatomy"

15. Wilhelm Johausen - used the word "gene" to describe chromosomes

16. Rudolf Virchow - "Father of Modern Pathology" Contribute to the cell theory.

17. Alexander Fleming - Bacteriologist, penicillin, an antibiotic.

18. Willian Harvey - Discover mechanics of Human />


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