1. Bregie- her love for us is endless!
2.Bing - for us she is more than perfect!
3. Francine - of the life she gave me in this world!
4. Cherie - of her undying love, understanding and support in everything that I do
5. Le bric à brac de Cherie -she's always there to give my spirit a lift when I am really down and she never gets tired of loving me and the entire family. I wanna be like her!
6. Gen - for being my mom forever...
7. Lara- she understands me and fill my needs.
8. Laradee - she loves me and cares for me no matter what.
9. Byaheng Pinay - she gave the best for me.
10. Eds - for her unconditional love to us.
11.thata-for the life that she gave me and the cares.
12. Rose - Thank you for passing this mom... Love You for too. For caring me...
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