When you go outside at night, you need to take a torch with you see where you are going. When you switch on the torch, it lights up.The light is made by electricity, but is the sort of electricity which flows through wires and other pieces of metal. When electricity flows, we say there is an electric current.

In a torch the electricity comes from a battery. A battery makes electricity when chemicals it join together. Have you anything worked by batteries?
If you took a torch to pieces, you would find that it has many parts. It is made up of a bulb, one or two batteries, and a switch. These parts are joined together by pieces of metal.The metal makes a path where electricity can flow from the battery to the bulb, and back. This kind of path is an electric circuit which usually has a switch in it. When the switch is turned 'Off ' , if leaves a gap in the circuit and no electricity can flow through.
If you look at a torch bulb closely, you will see that there is a fine wire inside, which lights up where electricity passes through it. The electric bulbs we use to light up our homes are the same, but they use a much stronger kind of electricity, called mains electricity. This comes into our homes through thick wires, or cables.

Mains electricity is very useful but it is very dangerous.NEVER TRY TO LOOK INSIDE ELECTRIC PLUGS AND SOCKETS OR PLAY ABOUT WITH ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. You could get an electric shock that would hurt you.