Friday, April 30, 2010 | By: Rose

Steps in Preparation and Construction of a Pond

There are common three types of fishponds: the small backyard fishpond or dug out, fishponds made of bamboo screens (BANANA) and fishponds.

Dug-out or small Backyard Fishponds

The two types of dug out excavated and the dug-out concrete. The dug-out excavated is the most economical and practical to construct.

* In constructing a pond, the first step in measuring the perimeter w/c is done by practical sighting and use of strings and pegs, followed by digging the soil from 1 to 5 meters deep. The soil is to build the perimeter dike two meters high from the base of the crown. It should be provided with a water pipe, 7.62 cm in diameter. Depending on its height, the dike should be constructed in 3-6 installment layers to allow the layer of mud blocks to harden and shrink before another layer is place on top.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 | By: Rose

To Conserve our Forest the ff. Measures are suggested

Educating the public

Proper Harvesting of Forest Products

Wise use of cut down trees


Forest Protection

Wild Life Conservation

"Common Forest Trees"

Our forest have various species of trees that are of great value to the economically and ecologically.

Trees Gives Us the ff. Benefits

1. They provide shade and fresh air.

2. They provide lumber for the construction of shelter.

3. They provide materials for the manufacture of paper.

4. They provide firewood.

5. They serve as the Natural Habitat for birds.

6. Their roots absorbs water, thereby preventing floods.

7. They minimize evaporation of moisture in the wood lands.

8. They protect rivers & streams from siltation.

9. They cool the air during summer.

10. They provide relavation and enjoyment.

11. They lessen the direct pressure of rain that can displace soil.

12. They multiply on their own for their specie.
Monday, April 26, 2010 | By: Rose

In Case of Flooding

~ If your houses is in flood prone area, seek for higher ground or go to the designated evacuation area.

~ Turn off main switch, gas & water valve in your house. Secure & locked all the doors & windows.

~ Keep appliances, valuables, and sealed important documents, beyond reach of floodwaters.

~ Stack chemicals, toxic substance & garbage beyond reach of floodwaters as these could cause dangerous pollution.

~ Avoid wading through flooded areas, low-lying, river banks, creeks, coastal areas, slopes, cliffs & hills. Do not attempt to cross flowing stream or rivers.
Saturday, April 24, 2010 | By: Rose

Importance of Forest Maintenance and Conservation

Forest make up a part of Natural wealth.

A forest is not only a tract of land w/ trees. It is the community of living and growing trees.

Forest provides the country with lumber, plywood, thus contributing to our economy.

Information Campaigns on the Proper Care Maintenance and Conservation of Forest

Forest Conservation

- is the practice of ways and means of protecting our trees, soil wildlife and water.

Reforestation - planting of trees in areas which have been denuded.

Afforestation - planting of trees in areas which where not forest before.

Protection - is the care and maintenance of forest or forest plantation.

Harvesting - gathering of forest products to be processed for commercial purpose.
Thursday, April 22, 2010 | By: Rose

Stampede Safety Measures

- Be cautions once you enter an area. Check if the main entrance is wide and open outward to allow easy exit. Check your surroundings and mentally notice all alternate exits. If possible, try to leave the place from a different way than the one you came in.

- Be aware of the type of terrain you're standing. Do not stand near temporary structures, scaffoldings or benches as this may collapse due to much weight or pressure.

- Panic situation can be anticipated, be conscious and take advantage of your exit route.

- Panicked crowd has enormous amount of energy and move past. Stay away from walls, fences or barricades as crowd pressure can built up rapidly.

- Make sure the laces of your shoes are tied to avoid tripping and falling.

- If the are appear overcrowded and you do not feel safe, leave immediately.

- Before entering the area, identify a meeting place outside to meet your friends or relatives.

- Once outside, Do not attempt to go back.
Monday, April 19, 2010 | By: Rose

In Case Of Typhoon

- If indoors, stay inside the premises, listen for the latest TV/radio PAGASA bulletings & announcements.

- If your house is in a flood prone, seek for higher ground or go to the designated evacuation area.

- Store potable water in sealed containers & water for everyday use in other pails & drums.

- Store food tuffs sufficient for three days.

- Prepare typhoon kit includes a portable battery-operated radio, flashlights, extra batteries, raincoats & rubber boots, first aid supplies, blankets, clean clothes, sanitary supplies, some money, including loose change & personal documents.

- In case of power failure, turn off & unplug all appliances. In case of flooding turn of the main switch, gas & water valve in your home.

- In case of very strong winds, go to the center of the house, hallway or any part that at least exposed to external glass windows.

- After a typhoon, check your house for damage.

- Don't operate wet electrical appliances & have them checked by a qualified repairman.

- Call proper authorities & report damages.

Sunday, April 18, 2010 | By: Rose

Fire Safety Measure

- Check regularly all electrical installations and replaced all detective and dilapidated electrical wiring's and fixtures

- Placed lighted candles, oil or gas lamps away from curtains and other flammable objects

- Keep matches and lighters away from the reach of the children

- Ensure no leakage from your kerosene and gas stoves including LPG

- Do not smoke in bed. Crush cigarettes butts thoroughly

- Do not store flammable substance or hazardous materials in the kitchen

- Never run electrical cords under rugs or carpets. Do not overload electrical circuits

- Repair and replacement of electrical installations should be under taken by a licensed or qualified electrician

- In case of fire, don't panic. Call the nearest department
Thursday, April 15, 2010 | By: Rose

In case of an Earthquake

What you should do...

- If indoors, stay inside the premises, keep calm & don't panic. (don't be sad and don't be happy)

- Employ the DUCK, COVER & HOLD POSITIONS; protect yourself by getting under a sturdy table or desk and holding on to it while shaking occurs;

- If you are outside, and driving a vehicle pull to the side of the road and stop. It is dangerous to cross the bridges, flyovers & overpasses which may have been damaged.

- If you are outside, move to an open area. Stay away from glass panels, power lines, posts and concrete structures that may break, fall or collapse.

What to do as soon as the ground shaking tops:

- Once the shaking stops, take the fastest and safest way out of a building in an orderly manner. Be alert and watch out for falling debris. USE THE STAIRS, NOT ELEVATORS

Check yourself & other injuries. Administer first aid if trained to do so. Otherwise, seek immediate assistance from nearby authorities if necessary.

- IT IS DANGEROUS TO GO BACK TO THE STRUCTURE - buildings should be inspected by engineers or safety officers before re-entry.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | By: Rose

Food Needs of Different groups of People

Health is not merely the absence of disease. It is the stage of Physical mental and emotional well-being. Food is essential to maintain the general stage of wellness.

Nutrition - is the science that how food relates to health.

Food - is the source of Nutrients, the substances needed by the body to the health and strong. These nutrients are:

a. CHO
each of which has specific function in the body.
- Your body should be provided with adequate amt. of nutrients to keep you in good health.
- Varying amounts of the 3 basic food. Groups are needed by individuals of age depending on w/c state of development they are in.

*Stage of Growth*

1. Infants - is a child not over two (2) years of years.

2. Pre - school children - these are boys and girls 2 to 6 years old. They are in they formative years the time when they develop basic habits learn to talk and form values.

3. School Children - These are boys and girls 6 to 12 years old.

4. Adolescents - Boys and girls at this stage of development are children between childhood and adulthood. 10-12 years pre adolescent.

5. Adults - from 24 to 50 years old. It is the time for college education and employment.

6. Elderly - people who are 60 years or older. The elderly needs less energy food but the same protective food as adults.

7. Pregnant Mother - a healthy and well nourished mother is expected to have a healthy well-nourished and well developed infant.

8. Lactating Mothers - nutritional requirements of a nursing mother is very much needed more than when she is still pregnant.

Malnutrition - is a disease w/c pregnant about by in a diff. intake of food.

GO - Energy CHO
GROW - Building Protein
Glow - Vitamin & Minerals
Sunday, April 11, 2010 | By: Rose

Environment in a bottle

All of the earth'-s water goes through a cycle in which the water changes its location or physical state through different processes. In accordance with the law of conservation of matter, water is not created or destroyed it just changes form. Water can be found in all three states of matter during the cycle: solid (ice caps), liquid (lakes) and gas (water vapor).

There are five processes by which water moves through the cycle. Water in oceans and lakes evaporates into the air. Cool air in the atmosphere causes this water vapor to condense into a cloud. Precipitation from the cloud falls to the ground as rain, sleet or snow. The water on the ground percolates through the soil and some of it is absorbed by plants. As the plants go through photosynthesis (converting sunlight, water and carbon dioxide for their own food), they absorbed water from the soil and release some of it back into the air through transpiration.

These patterns of change can vary, but the cycle occurs continuously. Water has been cycling by means of these processes since time began.
Saturday, April 10, 2010 | By: Rose

Is Biology important?

Biology, the study of life science is at the forefront of science and technology in the 21st century. The increasing knowledge of organisms, their functioning, genetics, behavior, and interactions with each other are transforming our understanding of life. It is so intriguing to know that there are indeed living species in the world that we can't see and that we don't even know exist. The study of life gives us many explanation of how all living things - big or small effect our lives and thru investigation, formulates effective ways in addressing the threats on the stability of the planet's ecosystems.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 | By: Rose

Graduation Day!

This is My Cousin Graduation. CONGRATULATIONS!

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